Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Change" We Can Believe In!

Wayne Madsen Report (in full)

"June 1-2, 2010 -- Obama's and Emanuel's Upper Chi-Town activities noted by fed law enforcement: Since WMR's report on the membership of President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel in a Chicago uptown gay bath house called "Man's Country," WMR has received a number of confirmations from federal law enforcement and U.S. intelligence sources.

In fact, WMR has been informed by reliable U.S. law enforcement sources that President Obama's staff is in "damage control" following WMR's report on "Man's Country," that the President and his staff hastily arranged for a Memorial Day weekend stay in Chicago for the First Family -- their first since February 2009 -- and that there may have been inappropriate and possibly illegal communications between Obama's staff and the US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald.

WMR has learned that a White House group of "leak pluggers" has been dispatched to Chicago to ensure that nothing embarrassing about Obama or Emanuel is revealed during the Blagojevich trial. In addition, the team is scouring the Chicago area to ensure that proof of Obama's and Emanuel's homosexual activities is suppressed.

The Obama team is concerned that the trial of ex-Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, scheduled to begin this Thursday, might reveal details of the alternate life styles of Obama and Emanuel, particularly if certain wiretapped phone call transcripts are released.

Blagojevich knows that the wiretap transcripts contain information damaging to Obama and Emanuel and intends to bring out these details at his trial, according to our well-placed sources in Chicago. Obama's staff, concerned about "surprises" at the trial of Blagojevich, has contacted Fitzgerald directly in what could represent an illegal attempt by the president to influence a federal trial.

In addition, a retired US Secret Service source has confirmed that the agency knew about Obama's activities in Chicago "Boy's Town" gay bars and clubs and believed that the information would have been revealed by the media during the 2008 presidential campaign. However, the major media generally avoided digging too deep into Obama's past in Illinois.

WMR has also learned that GOP opposition research professionals have recently been tasked with uncovering details of the past gay club activities of Obama and Emanuel."

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