Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting His Paycheck From the White House...

PA Chief Discusses Proximity Talks with Obama


"09/06/2010 US President Barack Obama is expected Wednesday to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the White House. A senior Obama administration official said that Obama and Abbas “will discuss steps to improve life for the people of Gaza, including U.S. support for specific projects to promote economic development and greater quality of life,” [Take That Joseph Goebbels! The White House is Way Ahead of You!] according to Reuters.

Obama and Abbas are also expected to discuss proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the deadly Israeli attack on the Freedom flotilla in international waters last week......"

Also see this:

عباس يلتقي قادة منظمة "ايباك" والجالية اليهودية في الولايات المتحدة

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