Thursday, June 24, 2010

“IAF Jets Unload Equipment Meant for Attacking a Muslim State at Saudi Airport"

An Important Story

"24/06/2010 Following last week’s reports by Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper and UK daily The Times in which they said that the Saudi Arabia has given the green light for the IAF to use its airspace in order to launch an attack against Iran, another news agency joined the caravan.

A semi-official Iranian news agency reported Wednesday that Israeli Air Force helicopters recently landed at a Saudi Arabia airport and unloaded equipment intended for attacking targets in a Muslim state.

This follows last weekend's reports of an American fleet passing through the Suez Canal, triggering fears that the United States and Israel were preparing for an attack on Iran, with Egypt's cooperation, the Arabic language newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi said.

The Israeli aircraft reportedly landed at Tabuk Airport on June 18 and 19 and that the Saudi airport canceled numerous flights to enable the Israeli aircraft landing, the FARS agency said in an unconfirmed report titled "Suspicious military activity of the Zionist regime in Saudi Arabia."

The agency quoted a Saudi passenger as saying the aviation authorities canceled a flight scheduled to take off from Tabuk Airport without giving any reason.

The U.K. daily The Times reported some 10 days ago that Saudi Arabia had agreed to open its air space to Israeli aircraft as part of preparations for a possible attack on Iran. The report claimed the Saudi air force had begun training to enable safe passage for the Israeli planes, thus shortening the flight time to the Persian Gulf considerably......"

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