Friday, June 18, 2010

Israeli Concessions on Gaza Fall Short of a New Policy

By Eli Clifton

"WASHINGTON, Jun 18, 2010 (IPS) - Israel's announcement Thursday that it would ease the restrictions on goods entering Gaza has been received by NGOs and the international community as a move in the right direction, but as not going far enough in lifting the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.

Details of the plan have not been fully disclosed but Israeli media has reported that restrictions on items such as jam [flavors to be permitted are to be decided by the Israeli cabinet in a meeting next month.], pasta and milk would be lifted......

"Oxfam recognises the Israeli security cabinet's announcement as a welcome step in the right direction. However, it is a far cry from the full lifting of the blockade that is urgently needed," said the aid group's head Jeremy Hobbes.

"Only a full opening of all crossings to people and goods, including exports, can be the breakthrough that will enable Gazan civilians to restore their economy and escape the poverty the blockade has entrenched. The international community must press for the blockade to be fully lifted, rather than only eased," he continued....

Sami Abu Zuhri, spokesperson for Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, said in a statement that the Israeli announcement was "media propaganda" and "the Israeli decision to increase varieties and quantities of goods to Gaza is aimed at decorating the blockade and ensuring its continuation ... in addition to misleading the international public opinion by giving the impression of easing the blockade."....."

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