Sunday, June 13, 2010

Israeli minister cancels trip to weapons fair in France after French activists threaten lawsuit

"Ehud Barak, the Israeli Defense Minister, canceled a trip to an arms trading fair in France at the last minute, after French survivors of the Israeli attack on a humanitarian aid mission two weeks ago said they plan to file a lawsuit against the state of Israel for war crimes.....

Originally Barak had refused calls to cancel his trip to France, during which he was scheduled to open a new 'Israeli booth' at the Eurosatory arms fair in Paris, which opens this week. The arms fair itself has come under fire by peace activists in Europe as the showcase event of the 'Merchants of Death', as they term international weapons dealers. Several years ago, peace activists bought a tank and attempted to drive it into the fair to disrupt the event, and security has been increased significantly since then. A Fox News report on the arms fair two years ago claimed that the Israeli booth boasted the most scantily-clad women carrying weaponry that Israeli arms companies and the Israeli government hoped to sell in the international market....."

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