Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Israeli MP Who Joined Flotilla Faces Witchhunt

By Jonathan Cook - Nazareth
Palestine Chronicle

"An Israeli parliamentary committee recommended stripping an Arab MP of her privileges yesterday in a move to prepare the ground for putting her on trial for participating last week in the Gaza-bound aid flotilla attacked by Israeli commandos.

Haneen Zoubi, who has become a national hate figure since challenging Israel’s account of the confrontation, said yesterday she was facing “a witch-hunt”.

The interior minister, Eli Yishai, has submitted a request for her citizenship to be revoked, and a bill -- labelled the “Zoubi Law” -- is being considered that would allow a serving MP to be expelled for “inciting” against the state.

Ms Zoubi has been provided with a bodyguard after receiving a spate of death threats. A popular Facebook page in Hebrew is calling for her execution and an online petition for her expulsion from the parliament has attracted tens of thousands of supporters......."

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