Thursday, June 24, 2010

June deadliest month in Afghanistan

Press TV

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"Six more US-led soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, making June the deadliest single month for foreign troops in the nearly nine-year-long conflict.

NATO said in a statement on Thursday that four of the soldiers were killed as a result of a vehicle accident in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday. The fifth soldier was reported dead in another vehicle accident in the war-torn country's west, while an improvised explosive device led to the death of the sixth troop.

The alliance, however, did not disclose the nationalities of the soldiers and the locations of the incidents.

The latest deaths bring the number of NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan during this month alone to 80.

The number of foreign fatalities in Afghanistan has soared to almost 300 this year, as the militants increased their attacks against the NATO forces....."

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