Friday, June 18, 2010

Lebanon: Seize Opportunity to End Discrimination Against Palestinians

Remove Restrictions on Owning Property and Working

Human Rights Watch
June 18, 2010

"(Beirut) - Members of Lebanon's parliament should vote to end restrictions on Palestinian refugees' rights to own property and work, Human Rights Watch said today. The Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) introduced a bill on June 15, 2010, that would cancel prohibitions on property ownership and social security benefits for Palestinians, and ease restrictions on their right to work.

Following a heated debate, the speaker of the house, Nabih Berri, referred the bill to the parliament's Administration and Justice Committee for further study. The full parliament will vote on it in a month. The National Syrian Socialist Party (NSSP) says it plans to introduce a second bill in the coming days that would go even further in easing restrictions on Palestinian refugees....

"Lebanon has marginalized Palestinian refugees for too long," said Nadim Houry, Beirut director at Human Rights Watch. "Parliament should seize this opportunity to turn the page and end discrimination against Palestinians."

Lebanon's estimated 300,000 Palestinian refugees live in appalling social and economic conditions - most of them in crowded camps that lack essential infrastructure.....

An extensive study by the Norwegian social welfare research organization Fafo found that just 15 percent of adult Palestinians have employment contracts. Forced to work illegally and without legal protection, Palestinians face severe discrimination in wages and hiring. Many employers pay them less than their Lebanese colleagues, or refuse to hire Palestinians..... "

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