Friday, June 11, 2010

Let Them Eat Potato Chips!

Advantage Hamas After Flotilla Fiasco
Analysis by Mel Frykberg

"RAMALLAH, Jun 10, 2010 (IPS) - Israel may allow soft drinks, juice, canned fruit, salads, biscuits and potato chips into the Gaza Strip from next week. What should be an unremarkable event is making news headlines and portends unseen consequences.

After four years of a crippling Israeli blockade, which has reduced the poverty-stricken territory to a humanitarian basket-case, the international powers that be, in their infinite wisdom, have reached the conclusion that the above mentioned items do not, in fact, represent a threat to Israel’s security.....

Simultaneously, an increasingly weak and unpopular PA president Mahmoud Abbas - who has been relegated to newspaper back pages of late - was given some desperately needed life support on Wednesday.

Obama met with Abbas in the White House and promised not only political support but economic aid to the beleaguered Abbas.

Proximity peace talks with Israel have ground to a halt. Growing numbers of Palestinians see no gain from negotiations with Israel. Many instead see Hamas as steadfast, a view increasingly reflected in the region.

Under the new political scenario, Obama is probably praying that the PA can be saved. "


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