Sunday, June 13, 2010

McChrystal Faces ‘Iraq 2006 Moment’ in Afghanistan

by Gareth Porter, June 13, 2010

"Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal confronts the specter of a collapse of U.S. political support for the war in Afghanistan in coming months comparable to the one that occurred in the Iraq War in late 2006.

On Thursday, McChrystal’s message that his strategy will weaken the Taliban in its heartland took its worst beating thus far, when he admitted that the planned offensive in Kandahar City and surrounding districts is being delayed until September at the earliest, because it does not have the support of the Kandahar population and leadership.....

McChrystal is still hoping, however, to be given much more time to change the attitudes of the population in Helmand and Kandahar....."

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