Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Moussawi to Lebanese Detainees: Hezbollah Won’t Leave You in Israeli Prisons

"02/06/2010 From the Lebanese border with the occupied Palestinian territories, Head of Hezbollah’s office of international relations MP Sayyed Nawaf Al-Moussawi told the “Freedom Flotilla” detainees, whose aim was to break the Israeli siege on Gaza, that no bars could be able to keep any resistance activist detained. “To our family and friends who went in the freedom ships, we came to express solidarity with you, and we’ll welcome you upon your release. We won’t leave you in prisons and there’re no bars able to keep you in.”

Israel has postponed the deportation of five Lebanese activists detained after its navy commandos seized a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in an assault that left nine people killed....."

When Hizbullah makes a promise, you can count on that.

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