Saturday, June 19, 2010

‎'Obama continues Bush's Mideast policy'‎

Interview with Jennifer Loewenstein
Press TV

"The Muslim world's confidence in US President Barack Obama has dropped drastically, according to results of a new poll conducted in seven Muslim countries.

The poll results released by the Pew Global Attitudes project, shows that more than eight out of ten people in Egypt, Turkey, and Pakistan do not trust the United States and its president.

The poll indicates Obama's failure to have a new beginning with the Muslim world, despite his vow to do so in a speech in Egypt last year.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jennifer Loewenstein, from the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, on the issue....."


It Took Them a While.....
But the Muslims Now Realize....
That He is Not Abu Hussein.....
But He Really IS Abu Shlomo!

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