Friday, June 4, 2010

Obama's Speech: Promises Made; Promises Unkept

One Year After Cairo


"One year ago President Barack Obama addressed the Muslim World from the University of Cairo. The speech was magnanimous, humble, articulate and well received by most Muslims worldwide. It was strikingly different in rhetoric and tone from any speech ever given by former President George W. Bush. Obama sought “to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world”, emphatically declaring, “Islam is a part of America” and “is an important part of promoting peace.”.....

So on the anniversary of his most celebrated speech, how does Obama score on his most important declarations?

Part of the answer to the frustration of the American policy makers with regards to the battle to win the hearts and minds of Muslims around the world may be found in the following report card. It lists ten political promises Obama made before the world, half of which directly relate to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, demonstrating whether or not his words matched his policies.....

Final Score: Promises Made: 10, Promises Kept: 0. "

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