Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Palestinian trade unionists call on dockworkers to block Israeli trade

Press release, Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, General Union of Palestinian Workers, Federation of Independent Trade Unions, Palestinian Professionals Association, Youth Workers Movement, Central Office for the Workers Movement, Progressive Workers Block, Workers Unity Block, Workers Struggle Block, Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees, Workers Libration Front, Labor Front Block, Workers Solidarity Organization, Workers Struggle Organization, 7 June 2010

"The Palestinian trade union movement, as a key constituent member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), calls on dockworkers' unions worldwide to block Israeli maritime trade in response to Israel's massacre of humanitarian relief workers and activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla, until Israel complies with international law and ends its illegal blockade of Gaza. Drunk with power and impunity, Israel has ignored recent appeals by the UN Secretary General as well as a near consensus among world governments to end its siege...."

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