Friday, June 18, 2010

The Snitch Syndrome

Did Wired target Bradley Manning?

by Justin Raimondo, June 18, 2010

"The more one looks at the Bradley Manning case, the stranger the whole thing seems....

Yeah, sure, tell that to Dan Ellsberg, who I know doesn’t have low self-esteem: and, indeed, this whole concept of the whistleblower as having little sense of self-worth seems crazily counterintuitive. After all, here you are going up against a powerful force – the government – and its sycophants and supporters, who will do exactly what they are doing now: smearing Bradley as a "traitor" and a "spy" – when in fact he was spying on behalf of the American people, on a government that perpetually keeps them in the dark. It seems to me that one would have to have an oversupply of self-esteem in order to pull it off as Bradley is doing, i.e. virtually alone.

Ah, but he isn’t alone, now is he? Here’s a web site set up by his friends and supporters, and, while I can’t vouch for its legitimacy, I’m putting it out there anyway because this is such an important issue. If indeed Manning leaked those cables then we are in for a treat: we get to look at the inside story of American foreign policy at a critical juncture, the very point when our old republic morphed into an empire. For that, alone, he will go down in history as a hero: now let’s make sure he’s not a martyred hero. "

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