Monday, June 14, 2010

US emboldens Israel to kill Americans

Interview with Ray McGovern

Press TV

"A recent Israeli attack on a convoy of ships in the Mediterranean Sea is another indication that Israel kills Americans with a sense of immunity from prosecution.

Furkan Dogan, a US citizen who lived in Turkey, was killed on May 31 during an Israeli attack on the Freedom Flotilla that carried humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The attack on the six-ship convoy killed at least 20 peace activists, including nine Turkish citizens on board the M.V. Mavi Marmara, and injured over 40 others.

Ray McGovern, a former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in an interview with Press TV, reviewed some other incidents in which Israel "deliberately" had killed Americans without being held accountable by Washington afterwards.

"There was no investigation of what happened exactly 43 years ago on June 8, 1967 when the Israeli Air Force and Navy attacked and tried very much to sink the USS Liberty in the international waters," McGovern said.

"Thirty-four US sailors where killed and over 170 others were badly wounded in the attack," he added.....

"All we need to do is to look back at 1967, when the president of the US said in his many words 'I don't care how many US seamen are killed, I don't care if the ship goes down. I don't want to embarrass my Israeli ally'," he said."

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