Sunday, June 20, 2010

US, Israeli warships move to PG: Report

This story which I reported (originally from Al-Quds Al- 'Arabi, in Arabic) two days ago is finally getting the attention it deserves and it is being confirmed.

Press TV

"An armada of more than twelve US and Israeli warships has passed through the Suez Canal toward the Red Sea and is reportedly heading to the Persian Gulf.

Egypt allowed the vessels to pass through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea Friday, UPI reported on Saturday.

The final destination of the fleet, which also includes an aircraft carrier, is not yet known; but some say it may be heading towards the Persian Gulf. Special security measures were implemented by the Egyptian authorities for the safe passage of what is believed to be the largest US armada to pass through the canal in years.

All commercial and civilian traffic through the Suez Canal was halted and beefed-up security forces were posted along both sides of the waterway.

The fleet is led by the aircraft carrier, the USS Harry Truman and its strike group of 60 fighter-bombers and 6,000 seamen and marines, DEBKAfile reported from its military sources.

Meanwhile, Jeff Steinberg from the Executive Intelligence Review in Washington told Press TV that the US Defense Department had confirmed the report. He further added that the move should be closely watched.

Egyptian opposition parties have criticized the government for allowing the passage at a time when tension is high in the Middle East over the recent Israeli attack on the Gaza-bound aid convoy....."

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