Friday, June 18, 2010

US losing faith in Obama, poll shows

Press TV

"Americans are losing faith in the US President and Barack Obama is sinking over his failure to handle the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, results of a new poll shows.

Almost a half of Americans believe Obama is not tough enough to handle the crisis, according to the CNN poll.

The poll, released on Thursday, shows that the public's view of Obama's leadership is following the same pattern that former President George W. Bush experienced after Hurricane Katrina.

Being conducted after the president's Tuesday night prime-time address, the poll indicates that the number of people who currently think Obama is a strong and decisive leader has dropped from 60 percent in January to 53 percent now.

The results show that Americans' belief in Obama being tough enough to handle crisis and also in his ability to manage the government effectively is less than before.

The belief in Obama's ability to manage the government also experienced a nine point drop compared to last year; currently being 49 percent....."

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