Sunday, June 6, 2010

Video: Amid violent Israeli attack on Marmara, passengers aid soldiers injured in descent from choppers #flotilla

By Ali Abunimah

"This raw video of the first moments of Israel's attack on the Mavi Marmara in the early hours of 31 May suggests a number of things, according to what contemporaneous eyewitnesses are saying in the thick of the action. The video is in English, Turkish and Arabic with French subtitles.

-Israel launched an unprovoked attack on the ship in international waters, firing tear gas and live ammunition onto a ship carrying 600 civilian passengers.

-Israeli commandos were injured while descending onto the ship from helicopters.

-Passengers on the ship said they were aiding the injured commandos, who were safe, even as Israel pressed on with a military attack on a civilian ship.

-Passengers were stunned by the sheer violence of the Israeli attack, reported many injured people, collected live ammunition casings."

"Les données sur IDF shoothing AVANT D'ENTRER VAISSEAU

C'est la vidéo très dernier shoot avant la ISRAEL prendre le bateau .. VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO TRES IMPORTANT TRES IMPORTANT TRES IMPORTANT .. S'IL VOUS PLAÎT SHARE

Les passagers parler de la tenue de deux soldats en toute sécurité et de la prise de vue sur tout le navire, avant d'entrer et de blessés parmi les passagers et les activistes criant à l'aide SOS .. Un militant a été tué à distance immédiatement FM et Apache tente d'atterrir sur des navires ..

Pour architectes-Gaza: Gaza Flottille - Dernière vidéo. Le monde doit savoir la vérité: Le tir des FDI à la population avant d'entrer dans le bateau."

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