Friday, June 18, 2010

Wikileaks founder fears for his life

The man behind whistleblower website Wikileaks says he is not in a position to record an interview amid claims his life is in danger.

ABC News

"Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of Wikileaks, is said to be under threat with reports that the site has hundreds of thousands of classified cables containing explosive revelations.....

Life in danger

Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked Pentagon papers in the 1970s showing government deceit over the Vietnam War, says he believes Mr Assange has reason to keep his whereabouts secret.

"I think it's worth mentioning [that there is] a very new and ominous development in our country," he said.

"I think he would not be safe, even physically, entirely wherever he is.

"We have, after all, for the first time ever perhaps in any democratic country... a president who has announced that he feels he has the right to use special operations operatives against anyone abroad that he thinks is associated with terrorism."

Mr Ellsberg told a US TV network Mr Assange's life may be in danger.

"I was, in fact, the subject of a White House hit squad in November on May 3, 1972," he said.

"A dozen Cuban assets were brought up from Miami with orders, quoting their prosecutor 'to incapacitate Daniel Ellsberg totally' on the steps of the Capitol.

"It so happens when I was in a rally during the Vietnam war and I asked the prosecutor 'what does that mean - kill me?' He said the words were to incapacitate you totally, but you should understand these guys, meaning the CIA operatives, never use the word 'kill'."....."

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