Thursday, June 17, 2010

Will Afghan mineral riches appease war opponents?

Interview with Dilip Hiro
By Press TV

"The news released earlier on Afghanistan's vast riches of minerals is the last card the US plays to appease the war-weary mind of the American nation fed up with the cost of war, analyst Dilip Hiro says.

American geologists say that Afghanistan is filled with minerals, including iron, lithium, and gold. The value of the minerals is reportedly estimated at a trillion dollars.

Press TV invited author and analyst Dilip Hiro in London to discuss whether the new finding would affect the US-led war efforts in Afghanistan. The following is a rush transcript of the interview.

Press TV:Is the recent discovery of massive minerals in Afghanistan true and if it is, what could it mean for Afghanistan?

Dilipi Hiro:If this is a question of American program, you see there are two points to it. One is that...."

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