Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Will Obama's Afghan surge run into the sand?

Pressure is growing on General McChrystal to produce results in Afghanistan that he may not have time to deliver

Simon Tisdall, Tuesday 15 June 2010

"General Stanley McChrystal, the man Barack Obama hopes can turn around the Afghan war and pave the way to an honourable withdrawal, summed up the basic problem facing Nato forces in Kandahar. "When you go to protect people, the people have to want you to protect them," he told a Nato meeting last week.....

For McChrystal, this talk of peace comes far too soon. His strategy is posited on forcing a militarily degraded Taliban to negotiate from a position of weakness. "Kandahar is a project that will take a number of months," the US defence secretary, Robert Gates, cautioned last week. "As we have seen in Helmand, it takes time."As Washington, Kabul, and the Taliban know full well, time is short, McChrystal's position grows perilous, and Obama's surge is in danger of running into the sand."

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