Monday, July 26, 2010

Bradley Manning’s Gift

Leaked documents spill the Afghan beans

by Justin Raimondo, July 26, 2010

"They said the huge cache of classified documents – including 250,000 diplomatic messages passed from US embassies around the world to Washington – was a fantasy, “boasting” by Pfc. Bradley Manning, the intelligence analyst who gave Wikileaks that video of US soldiers laughing and shouting “good shot!” as they mowed down Iraqi civilians. The “hi tech” media, especially Wired magazine, did everything they could do discredit and smear him, including spreading rumors about his alleged sexuality. Now, with the release of over 91,000 internal US government communications, intelligence analyses and incident reports via Wikileaks, the motive behind the determined effort to smear Manning and shut down Wikileaks is all too apparent.....

What we are getting from these logs – and we have just begun to mine this rich lode of information – is a truer picture of the war in Afghanistan than our government, and our “mainstream” media, have been willing to give us. Now that our eyes are being opened to the cover-up of countless civilian casualties, the truth about our “allies,” and the mystery behind the continued ability of bin Laden to “elude” us, let us decide if this is truly a just war, a war worth fighting – and going bankrupt over. And I mean moral bankruptcy as well as financial."

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