Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Egypt Worried: May 7 Events Should Not Be Repeated!


"27/07/2010 Egypt seems to be "worried" these days…

The source of Egypt's "concern" is simply Lebanon, believed to constitute the "headlines"…

In Lebanon, nothing can be taken for granted. The country is facing tens of threats: threats of an Israeli war that could erupt at any moment alongside worries of political strife as a result of an "already written" verdict in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri's case, in a US-Israeli scheme.

Egypt is not "worried" because of the Israeli threats. Israel can "legislate" hitting any target that belongs to the Lebanese government. This is not worrying.

For Cairo, what's worrying is the "campaign" launched by some parties against the international tribunal, the tribunal that proved its credibility in many occasions.

Egyptian Foreign Minister [Break-Their-Legs] Ahmed Abul Gheit took the charge of defending the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, recalling that it has previously released certain individuals and that should boost its credibility. He advised the Lebanese not to jump to conclusions that would undermine domestic stability......"

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