Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Israel's Secret Police Exposed

By Jonathan Cook - Nazareth
Palestine Chronicle

"The arrest by Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, of an Israeli Jew accused of killing at least four Palestinians has thrown a rare light on the secret police, including attempts by one of its agents to enlist the accused to assassinate a Palestinian spiritual leader.

Chaim Pearlman, who was arrested a fortnight ago, has been charged with murdering four Palestinians in Jerusalem and injuring at least seven others in a series of knife attacks that began more than a decade ago. Police are still investigating whether he was involved in additional attacks.

Although Pearlman was denied access to a lawyer until last Friday, far-right groups have rapidly come to his aid, waging what the Shin Bet officials have described as “psychological warfare” by revealing damaging details about the case. Pearlman has released tape recordings he secretly made of recent conversations with an undercover Shin Bet agent who tried to get Pearlman to incriminate himself.

The agent, who befriended Pearlman and was known as “Dada”, can be heard exhorting him both to go to an “Arab village” to “turn it into a fireworks display” and to execute Sheikh Raed Salah, a leader of the Islamic Movement and a recent participant in the aid flotilla to Gaza that was attacked by Israel......

Dada says: “Why haven't soldiers killed Raed Salah, may he die? … Someone should take care of him, send him to the next world.” He then suggests Pearlman shoot at the sheikh’s car or put a bomb under it. “That's the classic one. Nothing’s left, everything goes everywhere,” he adds.

Dada’s advice is particularly controversial given that at the time Salah had recently stated that Israeli commandos onboard the Mavi Marmara ship had tried to kill him...."

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