Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Liberate all ghettos

Ewa Jasiewicz and Yonatan Shapira, The Electronic Intifada, 20 July 2010
(Yonatan Shapira is an Israeli solidarity activist supporting the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israel.

Ewa Jasiewicz is a coordinator with the Free Gaza Movement and the Polish Kampania Palestyna.)

"....Our action is a small act of unarmed resistance intended to break the international silence on Gaza. It is to stir the conscience of Israeli tourists visiting the site of the old ghetto. It is to lift the spirits of the Palestinian people trapped inside ghettos in Palestine. We are civilians with little else in our hands aside from our solidarity and a spray can.

Our action is about the future and the kind of world we want to live in. It is one which supports and promotes our collective humanity. It is one of dignity, mutual respect and solidarity. A world without ghettos and walls of discrimination and prejudice.

"Never Again" means never again to crimes against humanity and dehumanization anywhere in the world. Liberate all ghettos."

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