Friday, July 9, 2010

'Mediterranean Intifada' Helping Hamas

By Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa Al-Omrani

"CAIRO, Jul 9, 2010 (IPS) - Israel's deadly assault on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla last month has led to mounting international pressure to end the ongoing Israeli and Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip. The incident, say local analysts, has also served to bolster the position of Palestinian resistance group Hamas, which has governed the strip since 2007.

"Israel's murderous assault has swung the balance in favour of the Hamas-led resistance in Gaza," Abdel-Halim Kandil, political analyst and editor-in-chief of opposition weekly Al-Karama told IPS. "This Mediterranean Intifada will be remembered as a turning point in the history of the Palestinian cause."....."

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