Thursday, July 15, 2010

“Nuclear Iran less Threat than Chance of Binational State”


"15/07/2010 “A nuclear Iran is not the end of Israel. A binational state is the end of Israel,” political commentator and former consul-general in New York Alon Pinkas told members of the Israel Britain and the Commonwealth Association on Wednesday.

Speaking at the Sheraton Hotel in Tel Aviv prior to the IBCA general meeting, Pinkas initially addressed outgoing British Ambassador Tom Phillips, to whom he said that “in an ambassador’s average three-to-four year in Israel there are two wars, two elections and one peace process.”
One thing we owe you is a peace process,” said Pinkas. It is the absence of a peace process that has contributed to Israel’s isolation in the world today, said Pinkas. Israel is fast reaching a point in which realities that were suppressed, ignored or dismissed since 1967 have to be acknowledged and decisions made, he added.

“We’ve been living in the Six Day War for too long,” he said. “We’re living in a situation of protracted temporariness. We know we can’t stay in the West Bank.”...."

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