Monday, July 26, 2010

Sayyed Nasrallah: We Won’t Allow Anyone to Hurt the Resistance Dignity


"25/07/2010 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed on Sunday that its part would not allow anyone, whoever he was, to hurt the dignity of the resistance. This resistance, according to Sayyed Nasrallah, was able to crush the new Middle East plan in 2006.

Speaking in a ceremony honoring the martyr’s children at Shahed Institution in Beirut's southern suburb....

Hezbollah Secretary General continued, “All plots that threatened Lebanon, Palestine and the region were stopped by the Resistance. The Resistance prevented the plot in 1982 and the one in 2000 that aimed to accomplish the project of [building a] greater Israel [by invading Lebanon]. In 2006, the Resistance put an end to the new Middle East project, which was highly funded. This Resistance made Lebanon in the heart of the regional equation after it was inferior. It made Lebanon a player.”

His eminence stressed that the Resistance made Lebanon strong and that was why officials come to the country, adding that this Resistance was the reason that leaders meet Lebanese officials abroad....."

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