Wednesday, July 14, 2010

US General: Iran-Backed Group Eyes US Bases in Iraq for Attack


"13/07/2010 “Iranian-backed militants have received specialized training inside Iran to help mount an attack on American bases in Iraq,” the top US commander in Baghdad told reporters on Tuesday.

General Ray Odierno said security measures had been increased at US military facilities following intelligence reports that “Ketaib Hezbollah” was planning an attack. "There has been some intelligence of Iranian surrogates attempting to attack US bases, which we are watching very carefully," said Odierno, who later named Ketaib Hezbollah as the group concerned.

"In the last couple of weeks there has been an increased threat of a potential Iran attack ... so we have increased our security in some of our bases. "This is another attempt by Iran and others to attempt to influence the US role here inside of Iraq," he said......"

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