Friday, July 9, 2010

U.S. ignorance about Palestinian conditions is very, very dangerous


The other day I was talking to an Arab-American friend who is incensed by Israel's conduct and I said that the fact that half of greater Israel's population is not politically represented (the Palestinians) means that there could be a civil war in that place; and he nodded and said, Right, as if it were a good thing.

The comment resonates in my mind because it demonstrates how volatile are the political materials that Israel and the lobby and the U.S. are playing with. If you study history, you recognize that the injustice being perpetrated in Israel/Palestine is of such a profound character as to be of the type that people historically have made violent revolutions over.

And this seems to me the huge danger of the denial that the mainstream media and the lobby are perpetrating in the U.S.

They are depriving Americans of knowledge of the terrible reality of the situation, and of the revolutionary tinder it is building. They are stupidly suggesting, every day, for years on end, that a "peace process" will produce justice in Israel/Palestine any minute now, when from a Palestinian perspective this process has only prolonged 60 years of dispossession, now exacerbated by tyrannical murderous occupation.

By dismissing the word apartheid over and over again, when many say that the situation is worse than South African apartheid, the U.S. establishment is in grave danger of reaping the whirlwind. It is true that Nicholas Kristof in the Times has nibbled away at the reality lately; but this is just a nibble, he is still sugarcoating the pill; and the rest of the Establishment media have completely failed to reckon with what is afoot.

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