Monday, July 5, 2010

US to blame Iran for Afghanistan failure

Press TV

"US and British intelligence services are working on a fake video clip aimed at diverting blame for failures in Afghanistan to Iran, an informed US military source says.

A source at the US base in Bagram, told Press TV on condition of anonymity that the US and British spies have employed renowned American film editors to produce the video.

The video consists of footage doctored in a way to show that Iran is providing weapons and military equipment to "anti-government forces" in the war-torn country.

The montage sequence will rely on false satellite imagery and radar images allegedly taken by spy drones.

This is while pressure is mounting on the US over its failure in Afghanistan, amid rising causalities among foreign troops in the country.

June was the bloodiest month for the US-led troops in Afghanistan since the beginning of invasion of the country in 2001, with a record 102 fatalities......"

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