Monday, August 2, 2010

Anti-Defamers Defame Muslims

Dark alliance: ADL joins with far-right crazies to ban mosque

by Justin Raimondo, August 02, 2010

"I’m shocked – shocked, I tell you! – that the Anti-Defamation League has joined the alliance of militant Christians, militantly atheistic “Objectivists,” and other assorted militant nut-jobs in calling for a ban on the so-called “Ground Zero mosque, “ otherwise known as Cordoba House. After all, why would an organization ostensibly devoted to “civil rights” and “tolerance” get in bed with Pamela “Shrieking Harpy” Geller, the Religious Right, and Leonard Peikoff, the Peripatetic Pipsqueak?

To find out, let’s travel to the ADL web site and read their statement of policy on the matter.....

Under Abe Foxman’s idiosyncratic and embarrassingly erratic leadership, a league founded in order to oppose defamation of ethnic and religious minorities has attached itself to a movement devoted to precisely the sort of bigotry it has traditionally abhorred. Due to this bizarre development – albeit one not entirely unpredictable – one of two things should happen. Either 1) Foxman steps down, in disgrace and humiliation, after issuing the appropriately heartfelt apology, and seeks professional help, or 2) The ADL announces a name change to reflect its newfound orientation.

After merging with such like-minded organizations as the English Defense League (a group of violent football hooligans endorsed by Pamela Geller, the founding leader of the anti-Cordoba House movement), and their American co-thinkers, a much larger ADL could be built – but only if they’ll change their name to announce their new ideological orientation. If they want to get in on the anti-Muslim action, they’ll have to shed their tolerant liberal image – and history – and do a complete makeover. May I suggest the Pro-Defamation League? It’s bold, it’s trendy, it’s now."

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