Friday, August 27, 2010

A Credit Score for Pundits

It's what we need

by Justin Raimondo, August 27, 2010

"Year after year – since 1998! – several times a week I have pointed out the mendacity, hypocrisy, and immorality of our foreign policy of global intervention, and I’m sure you’ll pardon me for complaining, but after a while a certain weariness sets in. How many times does it have to be proved that military means cannot solve socio-political questions? One might have thought we’d have learned after our stinging defeat in Vietnam – and, if not, then soon after we invaded and failed to pacify Iraq. And if we still didn’t absorb this much needed lesson, then perhaps the ongoing failure in Afghanistan might have given us a clue.

But oh no: the people who run American foreign policy – our rulers – don’t recognize the concept of objective limits. They think they create reality, and not the other way around.

The arrogance of America’s political class will be its ultimate undoing. Until that happy day arrives, however, we are in for a rather bumpy ride, and no one can predict where and how it will end...."

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