Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Independents sour on Obama, Dems

Press TV

"Independent voters who embraced Barack Obama's call for change in 2008 are now turning away from the US president and Democrats who control the Congress, poll shows.

A new Associated Press-GfK poll revealed on Tuesday that only 32 percent of US voters, who have no allegiance to either the Democrats or Republicans, want the Democrats to stay in power after the mid-term November elections.

That is down from the 52 percent of independents who backed Obama over Republican Senator John McCain in the US presidential elections two years ago.

Meanwhile, at least 67 percent of the independents have said they believe America is heading in the wrong direction.

Independents, who make up 40 percent of US voters, are a crucial swing group. Both the Democrats and the Republicans have long been trying to court the group through their policy priorities...."

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