Monday, August 9, 2010

The Information War

We're winning – and the War Party is losing

by Justin Raimondo, August 09, 2010

"It’s almost funny – if your sense of humor runs to the dark side – to watch the Washington power elite go bonkers over the WikiLeaks revelations. We have Pentagon officials stamping their feet and demanding that WikiLeaks “return” the “stolen” documents it has posted online, and refrain from posting any more – as if this material, having gone viral worldwide, could possibly be reclaimed and made inaccessible. Here’s Marc Thiessenneocon flack and advocate of torture calling for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange to be kidnapped, detained, and presumably waterboarded. And it’s not just the neocons: Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein have drafted a special amendment to legislation protecting journalistic sources specifically designed to exclude WikiLeaks.

These people have no clue, no concept of the internet: they’re dinosaurs roaring in pain on their way to extinction. They just don’t realize what’s happening, and continue to act as if their power is uncontested – which lends their fulminations a pathetic and, yes, a hilarious note. ....

No doubt the WikiLeaks furor will give a big boost to the currently fashionable area of “cyber warfare,” to which billions of our tax dollars are being diverted. As Obama’s right hand man, Rahm Emmaneul, reminded us, every crisis is an opportunity to expand the power and reach of the State. Yet our government’s cyber-wars will no doubt prove even less successful than their current “real world” failures in Iraq and Afghanistan....."

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