Thursday, August 12, 2010

Israel response to convoy attack 'typical'

Press TV

A Good Interview
With Ramzy Baroud

"Ramzy Baroud, a Palestinian-American journalist and author of acclaimed books such as My Father Was a Freedom Fighter, joined Press TV for a phone interview on Wednesday.

Professor Noam Chomsky has lauded his analytical and researching skills and insight into the region, especially as the Editor-in-Chief of the Palestine Chronicle.

Press TV: Thank you Mr. Baroud for joining us. Israeli army chief Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi said today that IDF soldiers were justified in shooting nine activists on board the Turkish flagship of Freedom Flotilla. He even commended them for showing restraint and morality. What is your take on the remarks?

Mr. Baroud: Well, my take on this is that this is very much a typical Israeli response to any sort of atrocity that they commit. In fact, if you go back to recent history, after the massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank in 2002, this is in fact exactly what they said.

In fact it was Ashkenazi himself who said that we behaved as the most moral army in the world. After the massacre of civilians in Gaza, this is the term that they also used, with the exact terminology. So it is pretty much predictable. You can always be assured that Israelis are going to commit crimes and that that they will always investigate their crimes, to say that we are a democracy and we do investigate our own actions.

And they always absolve themselves, and they are always behaving morally. So there is absolutely nothing surprising about this whatsoever.

The antagonizing part is that they get away with murder and they get away with that explanation and all the time and there is very little that the international community is doing in response......"

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