Friday, August 13, 2010

Spare us the Ramadan greetings

Quiz time! On August 12, 2010 United Voices for America, through its president and founder Ahmad Bedier, issued to American Muslims an urgent call to action. Guess what it concerned:

A) Protest against the US occupation of majority Muslim populations in Afghanistan and Iraq

B) Mobilize for economic, cultural and academic boycotts of “Israel”

C) Organize a campaign to deliver direly needed humanitarian assistance to Gaza

D) Direct all Ramadan donations to devastated flood victims in Pakistan

E) Write a letter to congressperson or senator urging the cessation of hostilities the US and Israel commit towards Muslims

F) Thank Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton for issuing Ramadan greetings.

While answer E would’ve been laughable, it is not nearly as appalling as the correct answer, F.

The UVA’s call to action encourages Muslims to “take a few seconds to send a quick email to the Obama administration and The Speaker of the House thanking them for respecting and celebrating our pluralistic American Values.” To ensure maximum Muslim participation, the UVA even provides a convenient online form for people to instantly send their heartfelt appreciation.

It is hard to imagine that Mr. Bedeir, a self-proclaimed “expert on Islam, media relations, human rights, hate crimes and the Mideast,” is unaware of the following easily searchable information:

“Since Obama took office, according to the AP, the number of drones operated by the CIA over Afghanistan and Pakistan doubled. A May 2010 report quoted unnamed counterterrorism officials who speculated that the Obama administration’s closure of the secret CIA interrogation centers and intent to close the Guantanamo Bay prison was a direct influence on the expansion of the drone assassinations. According to the officials, the killings are necessary because there is no longer any place to put captured terrorists… Pakistan has repeatedly protested these attacks as they are an infringement of its sovereignty and because civilian deaths have also resulted, including women and children, which has further angered the Pakistani government and people”

Comment by Tony:

"....Since Obama took office, according to the AP, the number of drones operated by the CIA over Afghanistan and Pakistan doubled." That is true, but the drones Obama sends over Muslims are different as can be seen below:

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