Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why I think Obama is already retreating from his White House iftar speech

By Ali Abunimah

"Thanks to all who engaged with me via Twitter regarding President Obama's speech at the White House iftar last night. Many have welcomed this as the president at long last doing the "right thing." I am less than persuaded, and I do believe we are already seeing the president on the defensive and on the retreat. This should worry us....

Given that it has apparently taken Obama less than 24 hours to retreat from his relatively mild and obvious statements last night, forgive me if I am underwhelmed by what came out of the president's mouth after weeks as a bystander to very ugly, escalating and spreading racism. It's even worse than that -- just a few days ago, the White House actually said that the anti-Muslim incitement in this country is within the bounds of reasonable discourse and was not "dangerous." I beg to differ. It is dangerous and if people do not stand up to it I fear that there will be more violence targeting Muslims, such as the bombing of a mosque in Florida a few months ago.

Muslims may have the legal freedom to exercise their religion in the US -- and they do despite increasing efforts to use laws and regulations to prevent the building of mosques -- but what is that freedom worth if they live in a climate of increasing fear, vilification and hatred?"

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