Monday, August 2, 2010

Zogby: Wrong on African-Americans, Wrong on Arab-Americans

Uncle James Zogby, the embodiment of all that is wrong with Arab-Americans claiming to be representatives of our community, came out in defense of Shirley Sherrod saying “I understood her plight because I, and many other Arab Americans and American Muslims, had endured similar treatment.” This ludicrous remark is simply not true and no comparison between the Arab experience in America, with all its anti-Arab racism, xenophobia, and discrimination, should ever be compared to the plight of African-Americans. After beginning what appears to be a defense of Sherrod, Zogby spends the rest of his article whining about “a veritable industry…of anti-Arab groups and individuals whose job it has been to track our progress and to challenge our every advance with smear campaigns.” Whatever progress and advances Zogby is referring to is illusory if not delusional. Neither Zogby nor any of the other “leaders”, individuals, and organizations posing as the “Arab lobby” in Washington can point to any progress or advancements by any stretch of the imagination.

Zogby should never have compared his own spoiled life in the US with that of Shirley Sherrod. There is no comparison between the African-American experience and any other ethnic group in this country. If Zogby is looking for a justified analogy with African Americans, he should consider comparing his political activism to that of an African American who joins a white supremacist movement, and then claims proof of dedicated service to his black community can be found in the opposition of the Grand Wizard of the KKK to his participation in that group. That is the only analogy Zogby can make with African Americans, and if he doesn’t like it he can atleast shut up. I would say IKHRAS, but he never listened to his mother’s advice to learn Arabic.

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