Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Abbas is unfit to lead the Palestinian people

September 28, 2010

By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem


Khalid, "unfit to lead?" Is that all?

Stop being nice to this bastard and his Mafia. He should be tried for the highest treason to Palestinian rights and interests. He should be sentenced to death if convicted of this high crime. This would be comparable to what Hizbullah did when it sentenced Antoine Lahad to death in absentia.

Abbas, just like Lahad, should have only one safe home: in Tel Aviv.

Enough of this half-hearted condemnation of Palestinian traitors! When are the Palestinians (including Hamas which wants "reconciliation" with the bastard!) going to get as serious and as committed as Hizbullah?

Palestine is finished and we still do not have the guts to even speak!

This is the biggest Nakba, disguised as an "authority!"

"The reaction of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the latest Zionist provocations, including the all-out settlement expansion drive in the West Bank, has been disastrous and calamitous.

Abbas has issued a plethora of conflicting statements, some signaling his willingness to remain engaged in the so-called "peace process" with Israel. This is despite the fact that Israel keeps trampling on that damned, whoring process, if only by embarking on more settlement building, and more land theft at the Palestinians' expense........"

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