Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Egyptian dissident Mohamed ElBaradei urges election boycott

The Nobel Laureate warned in speech that the upcoming poll will be marred by fraud

Jack Shenker in Cairo, Tuesday 7 September 2010

"Former UN nuclear weapons chief and prominent Egyptian dissident Mohamed ElBaradei has called on Egyptians to boycott next month's parliamentary elections, threatening a campaign of mass civil disobedience if his demands for political reform continue to be ignored.

In his most provocative speech to date since making a high-profile return to Cairo earlier this year, the Nobel Laureate warned that the poll would be marred by fraud, and that "anyone who participates in the vote either as a candidate or a voter goes against the national will".....

In the meantime, he is trying to persuade the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest organised opposition movement [Comment: Some Opposition! They Just Want a Seat at the Table, and Are Used as "Democratic" Decor by the Pharaoh. The Same Applies to Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood and the Puppet King.], to join the boycott of next month's parliamentary elections.

"If the whole people boycott the elections totally it will be, in my view, the end of the regime," he told supporters yesterday."

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