Monday, September 27, 2010

From One Loser to Another: Meshaal to Abbas: Hold Your Promise… Quit Talks!


"27/09/2010 The head of Hamas political council Khaled Meshaal on Monday called on Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to quit peace talks with the Israeli enemy after construction of settlements resumed in the occupied West Bank.

"I call on my brothers [The TRAITORS are your brothers? I should have known that. After all, you personally urged the Jordanian Muslim "Brothers" not to boycott the fraudulent Jordanian elections! You support the Egyptian "Brothers" who, alone against the wishes of the major opposition groups, are pleasing the Pharaoh and not boycotting the sham Egyptian "elections." Enough of this charade Hamas!] at the Palestinian Authority, who had stated they would not pursue talks with the enemy if it continued settlement construction, to hold to their promise," Meshaal said at a meeting in the Syrian capital Damascus. "To negotiate without a position of strength is absurd," he stressed.

According to the Meshaal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not the man who can make peace in the region....."

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