Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Have Got a Deal For You (if you don't accept, then you are anti-Semite)! Israel seeks release of spy in exchange for extending settlement freeze.

Binyamin Netanyahu hopes release of spy will appease right wing but US intelligence likely to oppose the deal

Chris McGreal in Washington and Rachel Shabi in Jerusalem
The Guardian

"Israel is seeking the release of an American jailed for life for spying for the Jewish state in return for concessions in the renewed peace process with the Palestinians, including the extension of a partial freeze on the expansion of settlements in the occupied territories.

According to Israel's army radio, the prime minister's office has approached Washington with a deal to continue the moratorium for another three months in return for the release of Jonathan Pollard [Israel would extend it one more month in return for the Statue of Liberty delivered in Tel Aviv] , a former navy intelligence analyst convicted of spying in 1987. Binyamin Netanyahu, has long pressed for Pollard to be freed, but winning his release would help him sell concessions to rightwing members of his cabinet and the settlers....."

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