Friday, September 10, 2010

Imam Khamenei Slams Israel-Palestinian Talks


"10/09/2010 Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei said Friday US-sponsored talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is a cover-up for Israeli crimes against the Palestinian nation.

"The Zionist regime, with utmost impudence, is continuing its cruelty on the oppressed Palestinian people, while in Washington there is a peace meeting. Peace with whom?" Sayyed Khamenei said addressing crowds gathering at Tehran University, where the Leader led Eid al-Fitr prayers. "They (US) want to cover up the Palestinian issue and the crimes committed there with this meeting which is dubbed a peace meeting. They are just standing and watching with disregard and then they set up a peace meeting. What peace? Peace between who and who?"....."

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