Thursday, September 30, 2010

Israeli Commandos Accused of Murder

By Gareth Porter
September 29, 2010

(Left: Furkan Dogan)

"The following article by investigative reporter Gareth Porter focuses on evidence that a U.S. citizen was one of the six passengers summarily executed by Israeli commandos:

The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively that U.S. citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style by Israeli commandos.

The report reveals that Dogan, the 19-year-old U.S. citizen of Turkish descent, was filming with a small video camera on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara when he was shot twice in the head, once in the back and in the left leg and foot and that he was shot in the face at point blank range while lying on the ground....."

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