Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Participate in the End the Blockade of Gaza postcard action!

Click on Title to go to the Amnesty site to fill out the forms

More than 1.5 million Palestinian men, women, and children have been trapped in the Gaza Strip for more than three years. In addition to restricting Palestinians' movement from Gaza into Israel, the blockade has also severely undermined Palestinians' right to access clean water, food, medical care and proper education. Help us send at least 10,000 postcards to the White House demanding action to lift the blockade of Gaza!

1) Fill out the form below
2) Within two to three weeks, you will receive your postcards
3) Sign and address them
4) Standard postage rates apply. Send your postcards back to Amnesty offices and we will personally deliver all postcards at the same time the White House to have the greatest impact.

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