Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Riots Grip East Jerusalem

By Mel Frykberg

"SILWAN, Occupied East Jerusalem, Sep 27, 2010 (IPS) - Tension, the twisted carcasses of gutted vehicles, buses with smashed windows, smouldering dumpsters, streets riddled with rubber-coated steel bullets and empty cartridge cases, teargas, and air thickened with black soot from burning tyres marked the beginning of the fifth day Monday of continuous rioting in East Jerusalem.

A Palestinian man was killed by an Israeli settlement security guard in disputed circumstances, a Palestinian toddler asphyxiated on teargas, and dozens of Palestinians were injured by beatings, rubber-coated metal bullets and teargas inhalation.

The East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan has been tense for months with clashes breaking out between protesting Palestinian youths and Israeli security forces on a regular basis.

Jerusalem municipality has demolished many Palestinian homes. The planned demolition of dozens more homes, the eviction of many Palestinian residents, and the pending eviction of hundreds more to make way for illegal Jewish settlements and a Jewish theme park has led to a time-bomb waiting to explode.....

But it appears the Israeli policy to Judaise East Jerusalem and drive the Palestinians from their homes will backfire.

"We will not leave our homes under any circumstances," says Fakri Abu Diab, a spokesman from the Bustan committee. "My home is also slated for demolition. But they will have to kill me first. I would rather be dead than see my children forced to live on the streets," Abu Diab told IPS."

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