Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tough Days Lie Ahead in Lebanon


"29/09/2010 Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem stressed the Special Tribunal of Lebanon (STL) “has been irredeemably politicized,” and that Damascus has received word that members of Hezbollah were soon to be formally charged with the murder case of former PM martyr Rafiq Hariri.

Moallem told the Wall Street Journal in remarks published Wednesday that “such developments risked plunging Lebanon into a new round of sectarian strife and that the U.N.'s investigation should be replaced by a purely Lebanese investigation to ensure fair treatment.”

In short, tough days could be lying ahead in Lebanon.....

Hezbollah sees the end of the crisis through the persecution of the false witnesses and an end to aiming at the party.

The coming days are not expected to witness any improvement in the situation in Lebanon, as it appears that all players agree that they are playing in the lost time and that they have taken their positions to take the confrontation to its second level, regardless of its nature. "

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