Friday, October 1, 2010

After France, Israel considers 'banning the burqa'

“When I followed the campaign in France, I started asking questions. But not questions about why the ban on the burqa was being proposed. Rather, I asked why it was not proposed beforehand! So late... Where were the Western liberals when they saw what was going on in their own countries, to their own citizens?” Two days after France's lower house of parliament banned the burqa, Solodkin proposed her own anti-burqa bill to the Israeli Knesset.
Several European countries are currently considering measures that would outlaw articles of clothing associated with Islam. Sometimes proponents of the law contend that it is necessary to prevent political and economic crimes. Others object to the head coverings because they symbolize a rejection of the dominant cultural norms. Many maintain that the Muslim headdresses worn by women are symbols of misogyny, tools of totalitarian patriarchy. Solodkin iterates this claim.[Talk about Chutzpah !! this Colonizer from Russia ,a racist and someone who sees nothing wrong with subjugation and  occupation of Palestinians and using extreme violence against defenseless population INCLUDING WOMEN and children , has the audacity to speak about misogyny and totalitarian patriarchy as if he gives a damn about the plight of muslim women in Israel]

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